Spirit School
2025 Calendar of Events

Soul Healing Circle
An interactive circle with deep healing processes designed to bring about tangible results. We will work with the chakras and apply the power of our Soul’s Light and Divine love to remove all blocks and obstructions, creating the full vitality that an open and clear chakra provides for us. There will be important time for sharing and building the support of the community we will form through our circle of Light. All classes are recorded for future use.
All evenings will be via Zoom, cameras on.
FACILITATOR: Christen McCormack
TIME: 7:00 – 8:30 pm (ET)
DATES: February 5, February 26, March 19, April 9, April 30, May 21, June 11
As of February 3, class registration and payment is closed.

Creating Heaven on Earth
As a group we will explore the dimension of Heaven together. We will use a time proven Spirit School technique designed to help you stay in your body while projecting your consciousness to another location. All classes are recorded for future use.
All evenings will be via Zoom, cameras on.
FACILITATOR: Christen McCormack
TIME: 7:00 – 8:30 pm (ET)
DATES: March 5, March 26, April 16, May 7
As of March 3, class registration and payment is closed.

FREE Healing Circle: Honoring the Light
Learn how to access and use Divine Light, often called White Light, to transform any situation in your life and in the world. We will bring in Divine Light and Love for ourselves and then we will direct that powerful Light and Love into the world wherever we feel it is most needed. Everyone is welcome to join us, feel free to share this event with a friend! Event will be via Zoom, cameras on.
FACILITATORS: Christen McCormack and Kemper Conwell
TIME: 7:00 – 8:00 pm (ET)
The Zoom link was emailed to everyone on our mailing list.
Please email Kirsten by March 10 if you need the link to attend.

Spring Gathering: Spring Clearing
Learn powerful techniques for clearing your energy field of congested and unwanted energies. Balance your energy field and experience a lightness of being. Create effective protection around yourself, with an attractor field that draws abundance and positive experiences to you. This is an experiential day where you will have tangible results.
Wear comfortable clothes and bring a bag lunch, along with a journal and a water bottle. If you have a comfortable portable chair with rubber tipped legs, feel free to bring it. Snacks will be provided.
LOCATION: Belle Meade Schoolhouse, 21 Belle Meade Lane, Sperryville, VA
FACILITATORS : Christen McCormack, Kemper Conwell
TIME: 10:30 – 4:00 (Arrive 15 minutes early)
COST: $110 (Non-refundable)
Pay here, or send Christen an email to register and bring a check on that day.


The Pendulum and Other Dowsing Techniques
The pendulum is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance your connection with Spirit to access answers to important questions that you have. It can also be used to amplify healing energy and bring about desired transformation. Other dowsing techniques will also be presented and there will be much time allotted for practice and guidance on refining your techniques.
LOCATION: Belle Meade Schoolhouse, 21 Belle Meade Lane, Sperryville, VA
FACILITATORS : Christen McCormack, Kemper Conwell
TIME: 10:30 – 4:00 (Arrive 15 minutes early)
COST: $110 (Non-refundable)
Pay here, or send Christen an email to register and bring a check on that day.


Summer Gathering:
Angelic Healing Circle
The Angelic healing energies will surround you and bless you throughout the day. Christen will transmit messages and healing energies from Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Healing. Come prepared for a gentle and complete transformation, orchestrated in a field of Divine Love and compassion. There’s nothing to compare to the higher frequencies and direct experience of the Healing Angels.
LOCATION: Belle Meade Schoolhouse, 21 Belle Meade Lane, Sperryville, VA
FACILITATORS : Christen McCormack, Kemper Conwell
TIME: 10:30 – 4:00 (Arrive 15 minutes early)
COST: $110 (Non-refundable)
Pay here, or send Christen an email to register and bring a check on that day.


Wisdom from the Other Side
There are two friends and colleagues that were integral to Spirit School that have passed on to the other side, Dr. Joe Mancini and Sandra Hirth. We’ve talked with them in some of our other classes through Christen’s intuitive abilities to convey messages from Spirit, and they’ve provided us with invaluable information and guidance on an assortment of topics. We are eager to meet with them again. Come prepared with questions, if you’d like.
LOCATION: Belle Meade Schoolhouse, 21 Belle Meade Lane, Sperryville, VA
FACILITATORS : Christen McCormack, Kemper Conwell
TIME: 10:30 – 4:00 (Arrive 15 minutes early)
COST: $110 (Non-refundable)
Pay here, or send Christen an email to register and bring a check on that day.


Time with a Friend
Meet Jesus as a Spiritual Master for all people. Not constrained by any religion or particular doctrine, and breaking free from traditional thoughts, we bring Jesus to you as a trusted friend for your journey through life. If you feel a longing, expressed or not yet realized, to have a different relationship with Jesus, this is the series for you. Jesus moves from an unapproachable and esoteric figure into the realm of supportive and loving companion.
All evenings will be via Zoom, cameras on.
FACILITATOR: Kemper Conwell
TIME: 7:00 – 8:30 pm (ET)
DATES: August 6, August 27, September 17, October 8, October 29, November 19, December 10
COST: $230
*This price is available until July 27. After that, the price will increase to $245. Deadline to register is August 4. Non-refundable.

Please CONTACT KEMPER for more information.

Your Spiritual Gifts
Throughout the centuries various spiritual traditions speak of spiritual gifts. Our Souls bequeath all of us with gifts that we have developed in other lifetimes to bring us fulfillment and purpose in our current life, and to bless others. Learn about your particular gifts and how to activate them. This is an experiential series.
All evenings will be via Zoom, cameras on.
FACILITATOR: Christen McCormack
TIME: 7:00 – 8:45 pm (ET)
DATES: August 13, September 3, September 24, October 15, November 5
COST: $220
*This price is available until August 3. After that, the price will increase to $235. Deadline to register is August 11. Non-refundable.


Words of Light
Experience the high frequency presence of the Archangels as Christen receives teachings for the group through direct transmissions. This will be a deeply transformative and restorative day as certain Archangels work with us individually and collectively, addressing our healing needs and sharing profound revelations with us.
LOCATION: Belle Meade Schoolhouse, 21 Belle Meade Lane, Sperryville, VA
FACILITATORS : Christen McCormack, Kemper Conwell
TIME: 10:30 – 4:00 (Arrive 15 minutes early)
COST: $110 (Non-refundable)
Pay here, or send Christen an email to register and bring a check on that day.


Fall Gathering: Exploring Past Lives
You will experience a Past Life Regression to a lifetime of great happiness and empowerment for you. We will discuss the influences that past lives can have on us and how to release any negativity that may have followed us into this life from them, as well as strengthen the positive influences.
LOCATION: Belle Meade Schoolhouse, 21 Belle Meade Lane, Sperryville, VA
FACILITATORS : Christen McCormack, Kemper Conwell
TIME: 10:30 – 4:00 (Arrive 15 minutes early)
COST: $110 (Non-refundable)
Pay here, or send Christen an email to register and bring a check on that day.

Spirit School classes will help you to:
Develop your intuitive awareness
Find your Divinity within
Live in alignment with your soul's purposes
Receive valuable information and guidance from your soul, guides and angels
Communicate with your loved ones on the other side
Become empowered to make life choices from the highest level of your being
Special Spirit School Online Event
Set your year off to the right track
January 15, 2025
Online Event

We will talk about what it means to manifest, and then do a powerful new Spirit School guided meditation to set you off on the right track in the year to come. There will be a recording made available to you afterward so that you can repeat the Manifestation Process as often as you want. Please come to this virtual event with one experience you'd like to manifest in 2025. Event will be via Zoom, cameras on.
Special Spirit School Online Series
All are welcome
Ongoing Series 2024
Online Series

Join us for a time of inspiration and a shared experience of teachings from Spirit.
Our evenings together are inspired by Spirit and are a community based experience. To enhance your experience of the presence of Divine Love and the healing that it brings, everyone will join in opening and blessing the circle by lighting a candle and calling Spirit in. Together we will create a circle of Light that connects us to one another and the Universe from the various physical locations we are in.
We believe in miracles and that they are available to everyone. During each class we will facilitate a sacred space for them to manifest. Every evening of this series is designed to bring about a closer relationship with the Ascended Masters, Angels and the other higher beings that desire to serve and support us in our daily lived experience. We will also include dynamic guest speakers who share their stories as authors, healers, and teachers.
Spirit School Special 2-Part Online Event
Learn to see energy, auras, and angels
September 11 & October 2, 2024
Online Events

Clairvoyance means clear seeing, or able to see beyond the range of ordinary perception. Over the years this has been an expressed desire of Spirit School participants and we are happy to provide you with all the tools you need to develop this ability!
Observe the movement of energy as you send Healing Light to a person or a situation in your life.
See the auras of people, trees, crystals, and more.
Prepare yourself and the room you are in for an Angelic visitation.
Create a dome of protective light over your home and property that you can maintain and monitor.
All are welcome
October 21, 2023
Belle Meade School
Sperryville, VA

Join us for a day of Embodied Healing
Come join us in the mountains of Virginia! It’s a beautiful setting at a special time of year, and there will still be some fall colors to enjoy. This is a day that will be dedicated to healing, starting with Qi Gong, a calling in of the Angels, and then higher teachings from Spirit will flow. As a special gift, Spirit School’s Radiance Healing Light Practitioners in Training will be on hand for you to have a free healing session.
When a healing is embodied, it is retained. It reaches the deepest core of your being and integrates with every level of your psyche and body. Experience all the benefits of Spirit School’s potent techniques for moving energy in the support of Divine presence, and go home feeling refreshed and wonderfully transformed.
Learn how to use the pendulum
August 20, 2022
Online Event
The pendulum is a tool that gives you access to answers for any question you can think of.
When you learn how to use the pendulum it will open you to a wide range of information about yourself and any endeavor you are considering in your life. Sometimes people are disappointed by the results they have when working with a pendulum and that’s why we are offering this course. With our unique Spirit School techniques to support you, the success you’d hope to experience with this powerful dowsing tool is assured.
Choose a reliable source for the information that you seek.
Techniques to ensure that your answers are accurate.
How to succinctly word your questions to provide an open channel for your answers.
Use a pendulum to measure the life force in foods and supplements.
How to use a chart for quick and easy access to a wide range of information.
Webinar Series
Are you ready for companionship & love?
Beginning January 8, 2020
Online Series

Explore the many ways that you can open your life up to meet that special someone who is your Soulmate.
I have created this webinar series to help you let go of what needs to be released in your life and in your thinking, in order to make room for your Beloved to come in. When we have gone for awhile without the companionship and love that we need, we can develop negative and false stories about ourselves that we aren't even consciously aware of. These stories get in the way of our opening to love and intimacy.
What is a Soulmate?
How do you know you're ready?
Who do you need to be to match this partner?
Does your past determine your future?
How do you meet your Soulmate?
What's left unfinished in your life?
Let's create that magnetic field of attraction!
A Day of Healing and Renewal
All are Welcome!
November 10, 2018
Belle Meade School
Sperryville, VA

Join us for a day of gentle transformation through the uplifting energy of Spirit, and the deep wisdom of your own soul.
This is a Spirit School day in which you can sit back and relax, allow yourself to receive fully. We are going to pamper you. No prior experience is necessary.
Topics include:
Sacred Stone Circle meditation where you will meet with your Guardian Angel
A Spirit School Chakra Balancing
Divination cards as a tool to receive guidance from
your soul -
Healing work with flower essences and tuning forks
A Spirit School Healing Series
with Christen McCormack
March 3, April 14, May 12, 2018
214 North East Street
Culpepper, VA

Have you been feeling frustrated by a lack of
progress or tired of the same old patterns and
circumstances showing up year after year?
If so, you are ready to clear your limiting beliefs!
Limiting beliefs are a product of our past, originating in our early childhood experiences, and even our past lives. They settle into our subconscious mind and cause us to sabotage our efforts to positively change our lives.
Our limiting beliefs can be identified and cleared! I have created a program where we will work with all levels of your consciousness to release the limiting beliefs and replace them with supportive beliefs based on higher truths.
Begin a process of everlasting and uplifting changes
Dare to create great things in your life
Feel empowered and secure, living a life based on the truth of your ability to positively affect your world
Special Spirit School Online Event
All are welcome
January 8, 2025
Online Event

It has become a Spirit School tradition to host a free virtual healing circle at the start of the year. This year will be special in that Christen will call in Archangel Raphael and his Healing Angels to conduct our healing time together. We will devote time to your personal concerns, and then we will extend the powerful healing energy we've generated out into the world at large. Everyone is welcome to join us, feel free to share this event with a friend! Event will be via Zoom, cameras on.
in Sperryville, VA
All are welcome
October 12, 2024
Hearthstone School
Sperryville, VA

Activate Your Spiritual Power
We are born with spiritual power and life invites us to
activate it in myriad ways. To have spiritual power that is activated means that you have dominion over your life, something that we are all capable of.
This will be an experiential and transformative day. We will be doing a lot of energy work and you will learn valuable techniques that you can apply to all areas of your life whenever needed.
Create a strong protective energy field around yourself, your home, your business and your bank account.
Calibrate your personal energies to match and attract abundance and positive experiences.
Clear stagnant and congested energy from your energy field and your life.
With Christen McCormack & Joy Andreasen
The Angels will be showing up to work with us!
August 25, 2024
Holiday Inn Express
Winchester, VA

This amazing day will include a guided angelic healing meditation, a channeled message from an Archangel through Christen, and individual intuitive angelic messages or healing through Joy.
Together, Christen & Joy will teach you how to communicate with your Guardian Angel so that you can continue with this uplifting angelic energy on your own at home.
Christen & Joy will then provide the atmosphere and call in the Angels for a healing circle. We fully expect each person there to receive a visitation by an Angel, or at the very least an unforgettable experience!
All are welcome
April 22, 2023
Belle Meade School
Sperryville, VA

Join us for a day of transformation and renewal.
In the midst of the blossoming vitality of spring, we will join with the energy of the season and bring the dynamic strength of personal power, our Soul’s essence, into our lives. Just like the Earth in her time of awakening, we will create transformation and renewal for ourselves, clearing stuck energy to move ahead with confidence and clarity to fulfill our goals and desires.​
We are gathering in the peaceful mountains of Sperryville, VA for a day of experiencing the awakening of our personal Soul power in the beauty of the surrounding area and the uplifting presence of community that a Spirit School Gathering creates.
Are your ready for companionship & love?
Beginning January 12, 2020
Online Series

Continue to strengthen your healing and intuitive abilities on a deeper level with this Mastery level course.
After completing the RHL Foundation and Advanced levels you have been prepared for the Mastery Level. Through exploring and experiencing personal healing on an even deeper level, you will find that your clarity about what you want for your life is greatly enhanced. In this series you will strengthen your healing and intuitive abilities with new techniques and a reinforcement of some techniques already covered.
• Healing on a Cellular Level
• Clearing Limiting Vows Made in your Past & Present Life
• Transforming Negative Life Patterns
• Timeline Healing
• Chakra Healing
• Own Your Power
• Clearing Entities and Thought Forms
• Sacred Stone Healing Circle
Spirit School Immersive Series 2019 & 2020
With Christen McCormack & Kemper Conwell
2019 - 2020​
Belle Meade School
Sperryville, VA

In this six month series we are providing you
with an immersive experience of gentle, in-depth healing that will give your soul the freedom to create in your life.
Through the use of a new Spirit School healing technique called "Radiance Healing Light," you will be given the opportunity to experience a transformation that opens the door to so much more in your life. It is a door that leads to the higher realms of consciousness, where your soul resides.
Experience the freedom and inspiration of a soul guided life. ​
Come to an awareness of the depth of your personal power as you partner with your soul to design your life according to your soul's highest intentions. ​
Heal yourself on every level of your being
Live your life with vitality and confidence
A Spirit School Online Series
Online Webinar
Series Begins July 18, 2018
Online Series

Learn the Spirit School Method for clear communication with Spirit, and experience new techniques that are being taught for the first time.
Christen McCormack is widely known for her unique and accurate Intuitive Guidance work, acting as a conduit for her clients’ Soul, Guardian angel, Spirit Guides, and loved ones who have passed over. Christen will be teaching you the same techniques she has used for 35 years of transformation Intuitive Guidance.
Receiving Spiritual Guidance
Meet Your Guardian Angel
Your Spirit Guides
Listen to Your Soul
Talk with Your Loved Ones on the Other Side